Each class includes meditation and pranayama (breathing) practices.
Module 1. Yoga History
o Explore what is meant by classical yoga and the timeline of Yoga in history
o Origins of Yoga
o Introduction to the studies of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and how they relate to the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Module 2. Yoga Philosophy
o What are the different types of yoga: Hatha, Raja, Bhakti, Jnana and Karma
o Western vs. Classical Yoga
o What are the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Module 3. Meditation
o Learn and practice meditation
o There are many forms of meditation: breath, mantra, movement, transcendental, Buddhist forms, prayer, mindfulness, guided imagery, and creative visualization.
o What is the difference between meditation and relaxation and how it effects the brain/mind.
Module 4. Pranayama
o Discuss how to use breath as an effective tool and what the most common breathing patterns are.
o Explore the 10 different exercises of breath control.
o What are Nadis and how do they relate to breath work?
o What are bandhas? How are they integrated into a yoga practice? Why are they used?
Module 5. Asana
o The study of the poses (over 100 poses)
o What makes up a pose?
o Adjustments vs. assists
o Cueing – specific cueing skills are so important
o Be aware of contraindications of poses
o Alignment is essential to keep poses safe
o Asana manual includes Independent Worksheet on the break down of poses such as benefits, description, directions, counterpose, contraindications, cautions, etc.
Module 6. Teaching the Poses
o Learn the different kinds of poses that make up a rounded sequence
o There are many components of a pose…learn what makes up a pose
o How do I use cues to help direct a pose?
o What is the objective of my pose?
o What is the focal point of a pose?
o How do I create a level 1 versus level 2 class?
Module 7. Class Creation
o How do I think about the Progression of a Class?
o What are the 3 Elements of a Pose?
o Why do creative transitions make a better class?
o How to develop a class
o How to create a style that is an expression of you?
o What, there is a logic to the sequence of a class??
o How do you build a class to a “peak pose”?
o Excite your class by creating theme classes
o Let’s develop opening and closing sequences!
Module 8. Qualities of a Yoga Teacher
o What qualities make a good yoga teacher?
o Boundaries in the classroom
o Discuss Code of Ethics
o What are your Personal Parameters on Your Teaching?
o Teacher/Student Relationship
o Your role as teacher
Module 9. Business Aspects
o Create a business plan-you are your own business
o Entire workshop devoted to the Business side of yoga
o How can I promote myself?
o Where and Who do I want to Teach?
Module 10. Anatomy (Guest instructor for Anatomy class)
The Anatomy Coloring book will be used during class time.
o Movement Exploration.
o Types of spinal movement
o Muscular System and asana movement.
Module 11. Bonus Workshop- Ayurveda and Chakras 4 hour Weekend class
o Ayurveda
o What type am I? Trainees will be asked to fill the questionnaire out before class to determine their predominant Ayurvedic Dosha Type
o Chakras
• What are Chakras?
• How can we use our yoga practice to balance our chakras
• Through the yoga sequences, the emotional and physical manifestations of imbalances will be explored.
Required Reading
The Heart of Yoga – T. K. V. Desikachar
Light on Yoga – B. K. S. Iyengar edition with white cover, orange sun
Power Yoga – Beryl Birch Bender (not Beyond power yoga)
Yoga: Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness- Erich Schiffman
Teaching Yoga – Donna Farhi
Anatomy Coloring Book (4th ed.) – Wynn Kapit and Lawrence Elson
Ray Long, M.D. Various Anatomy & Pose reference books
Cash Discount: $2800.00
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- Early Bird Discount $2700.00
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